The tradition of tossing rice on the bride and groom dates back more than 4,000 years: rice has already been the food base of many ancient peoples and therefore considered a way to wish health, wealth and happiness to newlyweds. In Chinese lands, rice has always been considered a symbol of prosperity but, legend has it, the ritual would have been introduced at weddings when a senior official from Old China commissioned a rain of rice to be thrown upon his daughter after the ceremony, to publicly demonstrate his wealth and his love.
RICE TOSS | In particular, I love this tradition: in my marriage, my mother personally sewed the rice sachets that we gave to all 120 guests; Can you imagine the rain of rice we received? It was a storm without proportions, with grains on all sides! Even with the exaggeration, I loved this moment (it’s a delight, super fun!), But after that I realized that a smaller amount is enough: if you distribute bags only for the groomsmen and bridesmaids, it will be beautiful!
BUBBLES | Recently, we have seen some places that don’t allow rice toss, for different reasons like avoiding slips (when rice toss is in the same area as the dance floor, for example) or maintenance and cleaning of the place (some spaces with lawn). So it’s important that you check in with the staff from your wedding space to know what protocol they adopt! If it’s forbidden, do not be sad: a cool alternative is to use soap bubbles, look beautiful (and it can also render good photos)!
PAPER RAIN | Another beautiful alternative but that also probably needs clearance is the rain with shredded paper or, then, with flower petals.
Tip: Because it deals with the flowers, it is usually the decorator himself who provides an extra amount of petals
If you have already participated in a different Rain of Love or with another option besides Rice Toss, Paper Rain or Bubbles, tell us! It will be a pleasure to share different forms in the personalized wedding ceremony.
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